Friday, June 12, 2009

Recent PET and CT scan results

Dear family and friends:

TJ had chemotherapy on Tuesday (June 9th) of this week. On Monday, per the doctor’s request, she also had the PET and CT scans. Needless to say, we were a bit nervous and on the edge waiting for the results. When we met with Dr. Moreno, he told us that this chemo combination has positively impacted the existing cancer cells. After comparing the recent scans with the ones she took a few months ago, the size of the cancer cells have reduced. The doctors’ were “cautiously optimistic” that this chemo combination can continually provide positive effect to TJ’s overall treatments. Therefore, we all agreed to stick with it for another three-week cycle before performing the scans again.

TJ, Nancy, and I were elated with this results…it has been a long time since we’ve received good news. Although we are thankful to our doctors and nurses, and all the medicines that are available for TJ, our hope still lies within our Lord, who knows and understands TJ’s needs better than anyone else. We will continually pray for the elimination of all the cancer cells; we will rely on Him for all of our needs; we will stand firm in His providence; ultimately, His name will be gloried.

“I can do everything through him who gives me strength” (Phil. 4:13).

TJ and I are grateful to your prayers and love for us. We simply don’t have the words to express our deep indebtedness….

In Christ,

1 comment:

Sung Byun said...

Good to hear some good news. Praise God. Out heart and prayers are with you.