Sunday, July 5, 2009

TJ's treatment update

Dear all,

It’s been a while since I last updated the TJ’s blog. After extracting fluids from her lung, our doctor has changed her chemo again, believing the current treatments may not be as effective. He has now recommended a new chemo regiment that is stronger and potent to fight her cancer. This new chemo is given once every four weeks.

As you may be aware, each day requires great physical challenge for TJ with never-ceasing pain. She endures them all without complaining, but I know those pains have been overwhelming at times. Her endless desire to fight this fight gives us (especially me) strength, although it breaks my heart seeing her going through it on hourly basis. What’s amazing is that TJ comforts me while she tries dearest to avoid showing struggles to Matthew and Hannah; she desires the family to live a “normal” lifestyle. These days, however, TJ wrestles with simple activities that we take them for granted; such as, walking, standing, lifting, etc – her breathing and coughing become intense with these activities.

With God’s loving words, we should be content with what we know, what we have, and what we do. Also, trusting in Him leads us to be content in Him only! As the Apostle Paul says, “I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances (Phil. 4:12). I sincerely believe TJ exemplifies these Christ-like characteristics but being in this fight for three years has slowly taken a toll in her spirit and has weaken her body. I watched, felt, and experienced her sufferings more than I had ever known since returning home two months ago. It’s very difficult seeing her bearing so much pain, while I am unable to remove or ease any of it....

Recently, my dad even stated that he would trade his life for TJ, if he could, after seeing first hand of her struggles with the cancer treatment. I appreciate him and the rest of my family for sacrificing so much for TJ, me, and the children. I am eternally grateful for them and continually pray for God’s mercy on all of us.

We would like you to know TJ and I are fighting this fight everyday because of your persistent, fervent prayers. Thank you for caring so much!

God Bless,