Saturday, March 7, 2009

First chemo week is done!

Dear all,

We knew some side-effects come with TJ’s chemotherapy regiment, including a high fever. On Thursday, TJ’s fever climbed to 101 degrees as if she caught terrible flu-like symptoms - body aches in bones and muscles, cold shivers, lack of appetite, and on-going fatigue. These symptoms followed into the Friday morning when her fever reached 102 degrees. We contacted our Oncologist who wants to see TJ for additional testing. Although we have not received all the test results, we were told that her blood count looks good; low count is susceptible to bacteria. We returned home, praying that the fever would drop soon.

On Friday afternoon, my mother and sisters from Atlanta drove down to see TJ: it was good to see my mother praying with and for TJ. They also had a chance to spend some quality time with Matthew and Hannah. I wish they lived closer so that frequent visitations could be possible…. We understand many of you in GA/PA feel the same way!

We thank you for thinking of TJ and keeping her in your prayers. First chemotherapy is completed… Praise the Lord!

God Bless,

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