Tuesday, February 3, 2009

mayo visit 2/3

We are currently at Mayo finalizing plans for TJ's surgery. Here is what we know at present...

Surgery is currently scheduled to begin at 1:30 pm on 2/5/09. She will be admitted to the main operating room area at 10am. The surgery will require three teams of surgeons including breast surgery, thoracic surgery and plastic surgery. The surgery will take approximately 6-8 hours once begun. I will update hourly as info comes in .. You may want to sign up for blog alert to notify you when there is an update.

I will send out specifics for prayer, meals, child care and visits later today including who to contact to be added to the list of needs. We will see the thoracic surgeon later today. After that appointment we will have more specifics.

In Him, Nancy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Thank you for keeping all of our friends informed and updated. I thank you for being with me as we go through this together. I love you and thank you for your friendship.

Love in Christ,